17.Amazing cuckoos


There’s no better way of getting a sense of what migratory birds can do than to look at the maps that record their journeys.

The Mongolian Cuckoo Project has been using tracking devices to follow the amazing journeys of cuckoos returning home from Southern Africa in recent weeks. Do please visit their excellent website to see the achievements of Onon, Bayan and the other birds. It’s a real model of public engagement in science.

Quite apart from the extraordinary distances the birds have been covering, I’m struck by the close similarity between the routes they have been following. It would be fascinating to know exactly how they perform such impressive navigational feats.

Presumably, like many other migratory birds, cuckoos have a sun and star compass as well as a magnetic one. And when they have made their first migratory journey, it’s safe to assume that they use familiar landmarks to help them retrace their route. But of course there are no landmarks over the ocean!

And cuckoos face a special problem. Their unusual lifestyle means that when they first head south, they must do so alone - because their parents will have left before them.

So how on earth do they find their lonely way over thousands of miles of land and ocean to the areas in Africa where they pass the winter months? Some kind of genetic program must be involved. But how does that work? We just don’t know.

One last thing: why not lend your support to this brilliant project by following this link?


6.The author of the ‘The Call of the Wild’ on celestial navigation…and the dangers of pride!

Jack London

Jack London


As readers of my first book, Sextant, will know, I’m not only interested in how non-human animals navigate. I’m a navigator myself and a devotee of celestial navigation - a skill seriously threatened by our increasing (and by now almost exclusive) reliance on electronic navigation aids, notably GPS.

So here’s an entertaining anecdote drawn from the author and adventurer Jack London’s account of his long trans-Pacific cruise in his yacht the Snark.

London and his friend, Roscoe, sailed from San Francisco in 1908 – heading first for Honolulu – without yet knowing how to use a sextant, which was a problem because they had no other way of determining their position!  So they simply taught themselves.

Roscoe was the first to try his hand:

‘…when we got out to sea and he began to practise the holy rite, while I looked on admiringly, a change, subtle and distinctive, marked his bearing.  When he shot the sun at noon, the glow of achievement wrapped him in lambent flame.  When he went below, figured out his observation, and then…announced our latitude and longitude, there was an authoritative ring in his voice that was new to all of us.  But that was not the worst of it.  He became filled with incommunicable information.

‘By an understandable and forgivable confusion of values, plus a loss of orientation, he felt weighted by responsibility, and experienced the possession of power that was like unto a god…The act of finding himself on the face of the waters became a rite, and he felt himself a superior being to the rest of us who knew not this rite and were dependent on him for being shepherded across the heaving and limitless waste, the briny highroad that connects the continents and whereon are no milestones. So, with the sextant he made obeisance to the sun-god…’

At first London deferred to Roscoe, but quite soon he rebelled.  Roscoe, he reflected, is a man like myself.  ‘What he has done, I can do.’  So he decided to learn for himself how to handle a sextant – a task that he found not too difficult.

‘The mystery was mystery no longer. …and yet, such was the miracle of it, I was conscious of new power in me, and I felt the thrill and tickle of pride… I was not as other men – most other men: I knew what they did not know, – the mystery of the heavens, that pointed out the way across the deep….No medicine man nor high priest was ever prouder…I was a worker of miracles. I forgot how easily I had taught myself from the printed page. I forgot that all the work (and a tremendous work, too) had been done by the masterminds before me, the astronomers and mathematicians, who had discovered and elaborated the whole science of navigation…’

Eventually the Snark made her first landfall, just as planned:

‘ “That island is Maui”, we said, verifying by the chart. “…We’ll be in Honolulu tomorrow. Our navigation is all right.” ‘

[Quotes from The Cruise of the Snark by Jack London]