17.Amazing cuckoos


There’s no better way of getting a sense of what migratory birds can do than to look at the maps that record their journeys.

The Mongolian Cuckoo Project has been using tracking devices to follow the amazing journeys of cuckoos returning home from Southern Africa in recent weeks. Do please visit their excellent website to see the achievements of Onon, Bayan and the other birds. It’s a real model of public engagement in science.

Quite apart from the extraordinary distances the birds have been covering, I’m struck by the close similarity between the routes they have been following. It would be fascinating to know exactly how they perform such impressive navigational feats.

Presumably, like many other migratory birds, cuckoos have a sun and star compass as well as a magnetic one. And when they have made their first migratory journey, it’s safe to assume that they use familiar landmarks to help them retrace their route. But of course there are no landmarks over the ocean!

And cuckoos face a special problem. Their unusual lifestyle means that when they first head south, they must do so alone - because their parents will have left before them.

So how on earth do they find their lonely way over thousands of miles of land and ocean to the areas in Africa where they pass the winter months? Some kind of genetic program must be involved. But how does that work? We just don’t know.

One last thing: why not lend your support to this brilliant project by following this link?


4.How do whales navigate?

A recent article in The Atlantic discusses the fascinating possibility that whales make use of the Earth’s magnetic field to help them navigate the oceans.

As I explain in Incredible Journeys, many great whales (including notably the humpbacks that migrate annually between the Antarctic and equatorial waters) regularly travel for thousands of miles across the apparently featureless open ocean following remarkably straight courses. Since they seem to be able to do this even when the sky is obscured, it seems unlikely that they rely on celestial cues (like the sun or stars) to perform these feats - though it’s conceivable that they can do that too in fine weather. The omnipresent geomagnetic field (see my earlier post ‘The great magnetic mystery’) would however be available to them at all times and places - and all depths.

The theory that whales may be magnetic navigators (like many other animals including some birds and insects) has been around for a long time. But Jesse Granger and her colleagues at Duke University have recently published some interesting work based on a review of data gathered over a 31-year period. They wanted to find out whether solar storms that disrupt the Earth’s magnetic field are correlated in any way with strandings of gray whales.

They looked at 186 strandings involving apparently healthy whales (injured or sick animals might get stranded for other reasons) and parallel data relating to levels of solar activity. They found that the two were indeed closely correlated.

So what’s going on?

As Granger et al. explain, ‘Solar storms could have two impacts on magnetic orientation. They could alter the geomagnetic field, leading to false information, or disrupt the animal’s receptor itself, leading to an inability to orient.’ But the key factor influencing the strandings appeared to be the increase in radio frequency ‘noise’ associated with the solar storms rather than any displacement of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Granger et al. conclude: ‘These results are consistent with the hypothesis of magnetoreception in this species, and tentatively suggest that the mechanism for the relationship between solar activity and live strandings is a disruption of the magnetoreception sense, rather than distortion of the geomagnetic field itself.‘

There is evidence from studies of migratory robins that RF noise (from AM radio transmitters) can disrupt the magnetic compass sense of these birds. It’s possible that the hypothetical cryptochrome magnetoreception mechanism may be disrupted by such transmissions. So, as Granger et al. acknowledge, it’s conceivable that whales may also rely on a cryptochrome-based magnetoreceptor. But it’s far too soon to start laying bets!

One thing that puzzles me is that gray whales - which tend to follow the coast on their migratory journeys rather than crossing the open ocean - should be so heavily reliant on magnetic information that they would get stranded if it was disrupted. Could they not simply use landmarks or the contours of the sea floor to help them find their way? And even if they did rely on their magnetic sense of direction, you’d think that they would notice when the water began to shoal and turn back before they went aground. It’s odd.

The humpbacks by contrast are prodigious oceanic navigators and it makes sense that they would rely on geomagnetic cues when out of sight of land. Interestingly their migratory journeys often seem to feature visits to underwater features called seamounts. Could it be that these act as waymarks? Maybe they even have unusual magnetic properties that the whales can detect?

Apparently Granger is now looking at 12 years-worth of data relating to humpback whale voyages. She wants to see whether they have more difficulty maintaining straight courses when solar storms hit the Earth.

That should be interesting!

1.The great magnetic mystery...a new development

Lots of animals use the earth’s magnetic field to help them find their way around. They range from newts, lobsters and ants to birds, fish and marine turtles. So it looks as if magnetic navigation has a very ancient evolutionary lineage.

But we still don’t know for sure how it works.

As I explain in ‘Incredible Journeys’, there are two main theories - which are not mutually exclusive.

The first is fairly simple. The idea is that animals make use of particles of magnetic minerals (typically magnetite) inside their bodies. As the animal moves through the earth’s magnetic field these particles are subjected to minute forces that twist or pull on them.

If the animal has sensory nerves hooked up to the particles, it may be able to detect these forces and infer something useful about the character of the surrounding field. Some scientists think that a mechanism like this could even enable an animal to work out roughly where it is, though that is quite controversial.

A very different theory has been attracting a lot of attention recently (partly perhaps just because it’s so difficult to pin down). The idea here is that a light-dependent subatomic process may be involved.

Certain molecules (cryptochromes) react to the impact of a photon of light by briefly generating a so-called ‘radical pair’ of electrons. In theory, the behaviour of such a ‘radical pair’ could be affected by the orientation of the surrounding magnetic field. If these extremely subtle changes could somehow be picked up by the animal’s nervous system, they might provide the basis of a biological compass.

It’s even been suggested that migrating birds (which have cryptochrome molecules in their eyes) might ‘see’ the surrounding magnetic field superimposed on their visual field - a bit like a pilot’s head-up display. Wow! Well, at the moment this remains only a promising theory.

But there is another intriguing possibility that I allude to briefly in my book. It hasn’t received much attention until recently but it’s just received a bit of a boost. This involves the principle of electromagnetic induction.

If an electrical conductor is moved through a magnetic field a current is induced within it (this is how dynamos work). Oddly enough, it looks as if the fluid-filled semi-circular canals of the inner ear may operate in a similar way.. A new piece of research from David Keays’ lab in Vienna suggests that electric currents induced in the semi-circular canals of the homing pigeon could be the basis of the magnetic compass which the birds use.

It’s early days, but if this turns out to be right, it will be a very significant breakthrough.

Watch this space…